Jairo Fúquene-Patiño
Last updated: 2024-07-01.
I am originally from Colombia. I am an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Davis.
NEWS (2024)
CFE-CMStatistics 2024 (member of the Scientific Program Committee)
The paper on "Ultra-Sparse Small Area Estimation" with Brenda Betancourt (NORC at the University of chicago) has been accepted in the Annals of Applied Statistics. The paper can be found in the following link (Annals of Applied Statistics Next Issues):​​
I do research in Bayesian statistics. In recent years my focus has been Bayesian methods in official statistics and their use in National Statistical Offices of low- and middle-income countries. I have a lot of experience working in official statistics due to my multiple roles working at the National Statistical Office in Colombia and also as a consultant and technical advisor for international non-governmental organizations.
In UC Davis, my junior faculty position has been supported by a Campos Scholar granted by the UC Davis Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Science, or CAMPOS. The center focuses on building diversity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Editorial Services
Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Reviews, 2023 – present
Associate Editor, The American Statistician, Reviews, 2023 – present
​Representative Submitted Papers
J. Fúquene-Patiño, and Tim Adair (2023). A Bayesian Approach to estimate the completeness of death registration. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2310.01800.pdf Submitted.
Representative Publications
J. Fúquene-Patiño, C. Cristancho, M, Ospina and D. Morales (2021). Fay-Herriot Model-Based Prediction Alternatives for Estimating Households with Emigrated Members. (2021). Journal of Official Statistics.
J. Fúquene-Patiño, M. Steel and D, Rosell (2019). On choosing mixture components via non-local priors. 81, 5, 809-837. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B .
J. Fúquene-Patiño and Brenda Betancourt and João B. M. Pereira (2018). A weakly informative prior for Bayesian dynamic model selection with applications in fMRI. Journal of Applied Statistics 45 (7), 1173-1192.
J. Fúquene-Patiño (2015) A Semi-parametric Bayesian Extreme Value Model using a Dirichlet Process Mixture of Gamma densities. Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume 42, Number 2, 1 February 2015, pp. 267-280 (14).​
J. Fúquene-Patiño, M Alvarez and LR Pericchi (2015). A Robust Bayesian dynamic linear model for Latin-American economic time series:“the Mexico and Puerto Rico cases". Latin American Economic Review, Springer, 24 1-17
J. Fúquene-Patiño, M. E. Perez, and L. R. Pericchi (2014). An alternative to the Inverted Gamma for the variances to modelling outliers and structural breaks in dynamic models Brazilian Journal Of Probability and Statistics. Vol. 28, No. 2, 288–299.
J. Fúquene-Patiño and Brenda Betancourt (2011). Heavy tailed priors: an alternative to non-informative priors in the estimation of proportions on small areas. Biometric Brazilian Journal 29 (3).
J. Fúquene-Patiño, M. Delgado (2011). A note on Bayesian Robustness for Count Data. Brazilian Journal Of Probability and Statistics. Vol. 26, No. 3, 279-287.​​​
Delgado, M., Portnoy, A., J. Fúquene-Patiño. "Controlling the Oscillations of a Variable Length Pendulum". Biometric Brazilian Journal
J. Fúquene-Patiño, J. D. Cook and L.R. Pericchi (2009). Skeptical and optimistic robust priors for clinical trials. Colombian Journal of Statistics, 34 (2), 333-345.
J. Fúquene-Patiño (2009) Robust Bayesian priors in clinical trials: An R package for practitioners. Biometric Brazilian Journal 27, 627-643
J. Fúquene-Patiño, J. D. Cook and L.R. Pericchi (2009) A Case for Robust Bayesian Priors with Applications to Clinical Trials, Bayesian Analysis, pp. 817 - 846.
J. Fúquene-Patiño (2005) Dico-ratio estimation with auxiliary information in 3X3 contingency tables. Colombian Journal of Statistics, Volume 28, Number 2, pp. 141.
J. Fúquene-Patiño and Leonardo Bautista (2005) P.P.S. Design with Categorical Variables to Estimate Dicho-Ratios. Colombian Journal of Statistics, Volume 28, Number 1, pp. 99-114.