CAMPOS seminar series. UC Davis. January, 2025.
Organized Invited Sessions. Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2024). London. UK. December, 2024.
Seminar, UC Davis, Biostatistics Department. 2024.
Talk. (Remote). SAE conference. Lima, Perú. 2024. Organized session: "New frequentist and Bayesian approaches for SAE"
Organized Invited Sessions. Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2023). Berlin, Germany. December, 2023.
Seminar, UC Irvine, 2022.
Organized Invited Sessions. Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2021, 20022). London,UK. December, 2021 and 2022.
2020 and 2021. Seminar. UC Davis.
October 2019. 28th Annual Morris Hansen Lecture, Washington D.C.
Simposio Internacional de Estadística 2019.
Bayes-plots and Bayesian applications using R. R day. Medellin 2019.
Workshop on Bayesian population projections, Puebla Mexico 2018.
Simposio de Estadistica 2018, Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Small area estimation, Ecuador, 2018
Bayesian Young Statistician Meeting 2018, UK
ISBA 2018 World Meeting. International Society for Bayesian Analysis. 25 -29 June, 2018. Edinburgh. Scotland.
Invited Seminar. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 2018.
Invited Talk. Workshop on small area estimation. Brazil. 2018.
YRM May 2017. Department of Statistics. 23 May, 2017. University of Warwick. United Kingdom.
Latin American Bayesian Meeting. 2017. Mexico.
ISBA 2016 World Meeting. International Society for Bayesian Analysis. 13 -17 June, 2016. Sardinia. Italy.
Invited Seminar. Statistics Department, National University of Colombia (September-2015). Medellin, Campus. Colombia.
Latin American Bayesian Meeting (2015). Medellin. Colombia.
Invited Seminar. Statistics Department, National University of Colombia (June-2015). Bogota, Campus, Colombia.
Applied Statistics Conference USTA (2015). Bogota, Colombia.
Bayesian Mixtures - Model Selection (2014). (Young researcher's meeting, Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, England. United Kingdom.
Applied Statistics Conference USTA (2013). Bogota, Colombia.
Joint Statistical Meetings (2012). San Diego, California. USA.
Bayesian Non-parametric meeting (2011). Veracruz, Mexico.
VII science meeting (2011). Santo Domingo. Republica Dominicana.
University of Puerto Rico Seminar (2011). San Juan. Puerto Rico.
Applied Statistics Conference (2011). USTA. Bogota, Colombia.
International Bayesian Objective Conference (2009). University of Pennsylvania. Pittsburg. USA.
Bayesian Biostatistics Conference (2008 and 2010). The University of Texas and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Texas. USA.
Joint Statistical Meetings. (2008). Denver, Colorado. USA.
Campos Scholar (2020). UC Davis.
Harrison Award (2019). PhD Thesis. University of Warwick. UK.
ISBA travel award (2018). Edinburgh. Scotland.
ISBA travel award (2016). Sardinia. Italy.
Young ISBA Travel Award of the COBAL IV, Poster version. (2015).
Fellowship - Bursary. (2013). Department of Statistics. University of Warwick. England. United Kingdom.
Paper Travel Award, (2012). Joint San Francisco Chapter of the American Statistical Association. San Francisco. California. USA.
Chancellor's Fellowship (2011) University of California, Santa Cruz . California. USA.
Travel Award to 8th Workshop on Bayesian Nonparametrics, Veracruz, Mexico (2011).
Grants Research. PII. University of Puerto Rico (2010 and 2012).
Objective Bayes for Small Area Estimation.
Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models for Economic Time Series.
Student Travel Award. D.E.G.I. University of Puerto Rico (2009) to International 2009 Bayesian Objective Conference. Pittsburg. USA.
Student Paper Competition Winner (2008). American Statistical Association. Section on Bayesian Statistical Science. Denver. USA.
Grant Travel Award to Joint Statistical Meeting (2008). Department of Mathematics. University of Puerto Rico..
Grant Travel Award (2008), Bayesian Biostatistics Conference. The University of Texas and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Scholarship program for Academic Merit and Exceptional Achievements for Graduate Students, granted by DEGI (Dean for Graduate Studies and Research), University of Puerto Rico (2006).
Honor Thesis. (2006). National University of Colombia. Bogota. Colombia.
Colombian Journal of Statistics (2008, 2020, 2023).
Biometric Brazilian Journal (2011).
Forum Empresarial (2011).
European Journal of Operational Research (2013).
Journal of Applied Statistics (2014, 2023).
Comunicaciones en Estadística (2014).
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2014).
International Journal of Electronic and Communications (2016).
Journal of Econometrics and Statistics (2017).
The Indian Journal of Statistics (Sankhya) (2017).
Bayesian Analysis (2018).
Bayesian Analysis (2019).
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2019).
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2020).
Bayesian Analysis (2020, 2021).
Annals of Applied Statistics (2021).
Journal of American Statistical Association (2021, 2023).
Demographic Research (2021, 2023).
The American Statistician (2023).
Dependence Modeling (2023).
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2023)